Friday, April 8, 2011

Lesson 5 - Bricolage

Here is a short list of the most boring, mundane items I could think of:

* Paper clip
* Piece of gravel
* Spoon
* Plastic bag
* Candy wrapper

Pick the one that says the least to you and write about it for five minutes. Go ahead. Try and say nothing. Better still, galumph! Practice bricolage!

A plastic bag...

It lays there empty, transparent, inert. But what kids of treasures can it hold? Seashells collected from Cancun, Goldfish crackers (useful in picking up guys and in keeping children from complaining of hunger), life or sanity saving pills. I speak of the plastic bag of being one of those zippered kind but really that is an assumption on my part. It could be one of those white plastic grocery bags that were such the rage when they first came out and then everyone was up in arms around the sea turtles, porpoises and other animals that were getting caught up in them. And then they were made from plastic, oil based, and they didn’t biodegrade... yadda yadda yadda. Turns out that oh-so-great invention wasn’t so great after all. Now people use reusable bags which are made from natural fibers, are cheap... but they are dyed, so how toxic and bad for the environment are the more environmentally friendly bags? Hmmm I wonder if anyone has done research on it. Is my time up yet? I don’t know what else I can say about a plastic bag.

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