Share some thoughts about how your piece is coming. Here are some questions to get you thinking. Read other students' submissions and offer helpful comments.
Did you have trouble getting started?
No. For this story I started with the beginning like you mentioned in this lesson. It was one sentence that started the rest - I was born in pain. The character developed from that, trying to think the being and context that sentence fit. The rest of the imagery came to me. While taking this class, the plot has emerged. I had a vague idea and thought that through writing it would emerge.
What problems are you having?
Having the time to download what is in my brain! I have a scattering of scenes I want to write out, but the majority of the story is still unwritten. I’m not sure if that is a problem. As I start writing it all out, the other pieces may come to me. That’s my experience from the past.
Have you made any interesting connections? (If this question confuses you, see Lesson 6, Chapter 3.)
I was thinking about using the rebirth imagery but not sure yet.
Has putting more time into your writing helped?
Yes, it has made me appreciate that I need to do a little every day. Some days that just means I think through things and never have time to sit at a computer or jot on a notepad. I have bought myself a writing journal that I add tidbits too. That has helped.
How do you feel now that you're writing a short creative piece?
Motivated, jazzed. I wish there were more hours in the day and my energy level was always high. Some people only need 4 hours of sleep... I am not one of them.
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